
Spring Special Rose Bouquet
Did Valentine's Day sneak up on you? No worries! The Blooming Bohemian can help you compensate for missing it with our gorgeously wrapped mixed rose bouquet bursting with vibrant spring colors! Choose between our Regular Bouquet (12 roses) or the Deluxe Bouquet (18 roses), each featuring our signature wrapping and enchanting fairy lights. But act fast—these beauties are here today and gone tomorrow! Don’t miss the chance to sweep your special someone off their feet and make their day!
Shown at $49.95
Did Valentine's Day sneak up on you? No worries! The Blooming Bohemian can help you compensate for missing it with our gorgeously wrapped mixed rose bouquet bursting with vibrant spring colors! Choose between our Regular Bouquet (12 roses) or the Deluxe Bouquet (18 roses), each featuring our signature wrapping and enchanting fairy lights. But act fast—these beauties are here today and gone tomorrow! Don’t miss the chance to sweep your special someone off their feet and make their day!

Shown at $49.95
Shown at $49.95
Did Valentine's Day sneak up on you? No worries! The Blooming Bohemian can help you compensate for missing it with our gorgeously wrapped mixed rose bouquet bursting with vibrant spring colors! Choose between our Regular Bouquet (12 roses) or the Deluxe Bouquet (18 roses), each featuring our signature wrapping and enchanting fairy lights. But act fast—these beauties are here today and gone tomorrow! Don’t miss the chance to sweep your special someone off their feet and make their day!

Shown at $49.95

Designer "Dior" Rose Bouquet Wrap
Featuring 24 stunning red roses hand-tied and then dipped in sparkling "diamond" glitter dust, our designer bouquet is certain to knock their socks off with YOUR good taste!
Premium version includes upgraded greens and alstroemeria.
Shown at $159.95
Featuring 24 stunning red roses hand-tied and then dipped in sparkling "diamond" glitter dust, our designer bouquet is certain to knock their socks off with YOUR good taste!
Premium version includes upgraded greens and alstroemeria.

Shown at $159.95
Shown at $159.95
Featuring 24 stunning red roses hand-tied and then dipped in sparkling "diamond" glitter dust, our designer bouquet is certain to knock their socks off with YOUR good taste!
Premium version includes upgraded greens and alstroemeria.

Shown at $159.95

Custom Flower Design
Let us create a custom flower arrangement for you.